Research Publications

Faculty Publications since 2010

Susan Cayleff


Nature’s Path: A History of Naturopathic Healing in America, Johns Hopkins University Press. 2016.

Co-editor (listed second of four). Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology for Gender and Women’s Studies, Second edition, Wiley Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 2016. Wrote Introductory sections for three chapters: “Sexualities and Genders,” “Body Politics,” and “Activism for the Future.” Designed lists for Further Reading for each chapter and Discussion Questions for each chapter.

Articles in Refereed Journals:

“How Democracy Gave Birth to Medical Populism,” History News Network, file:///C:/Users/Cayleff/Do.cuments/History News Network_ How Democracy Gave Birth to. August 31, 2016.

“Babe Didrikson Zaharias,” The Legacy Walk, Chicago, IL. Spring 2015.

“Feeding the Hand that Bit You: Lesbian Daughters at Mid-Life Negotiating Parental Caretaking,” republished  by Taylor & Francis online. http://www.tandfonline,com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160802161398.

“Oral History and ‘Girls’ Voices: The Young Women’s Studies Club as a Site of Empowerment,” Journal of International Women’s Studies Summer 2011 vol.12 no. 4.

Huma Ahmed-Ghosh


Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. (ed.) 2015.  Asian Muslim Women: Globalization and Local Realities.  New York: SUNY.

Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma.  (ed.) 2015. Contesting Feminisms: Gender and Islam in Asia. New York: SUNY.

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2011.  Juggling Afghan Motherhood in the Diaspora. Journal of Motherhood Initiative. Nov. Vol.2, No.2. Pgs. 239-250.

Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma.  2012. Guest Editor. Islam and Lesbianism. “Introduction.” Journal of Lesbian Studies. Vol. 16, No. 4.

Book Chapters:

Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma. 2015. “Being a Woman, a Muslim, and Afghan in the USA: Dilemmas of Displacement.” In Gendered Journeys: Women, Migration, and Feminist Psychology,  edited by Oliva Espin and Andrea L. Dottolo. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ahmed-Ghosh, Huma.  2013. “Afghan Women: At the Intersections of Local and Global Oppression.” In Contesting Nation: Gendered Violence in South Asia, edited by Angana Chatterji and Lubna Choudhury. New Delhi: Zubaan.

Anh Hua

Articles in Refereed Journals:

“Audre Lorde’s Zami, Erotic Embodied Memory, and the Affirmation of Difference.”  Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies 36.1 (2015):  113-135.

 “Gathering Our Sages, Mentors and Healers: Postcolonial Women Writers and Narratives of Healing.”  Feminist Formations 26.3 (Winter 2014):  54-70.

“At the Full and Change of the Moon: The Passing Down of Cultural Memory in the Black Diaspora.”  Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 13.3 (January 2014).

“Chinese Diasporic Women’s Writing, Gender and Identities: Rereading Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior for Mnemonic Traces.” Asian Women 29.3 (September 2013):  71-96.

“Black Diaspora Feminism and Writing: Memories, Storytelling and the Narrative World as Sites of Resistance.”  African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 6.1 (January 2013):  30-42.

“Homing Desire, Cultural Citizenship, and Diasporic Imaginings.”  Journal of International Women’s Studies 12.4 (July 2011):  45-56.

Amira Jarmakani


An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror. NY: New York University Press, 2015.

Imagining Arab Womanhood: The Cultural Mythology of Veils, Harems, and Belly Dancers in the U.S.  NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. (reprinted in paperback, 2010)

Articles in Refereed Journals:

“Desiring the Big Bad Blade: Racing the Sheikh in Desert Romances,” American Quarterly vol. 63, no. 4 (2011): 895-930.

“’The Sheik Who Loved Me’: Romancing the War on Terror,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society vol. 35, no. 4 (2010): 993-1017.

Book Chapters:

“They Hate Our Freedom, But We Love Their Bellydance: The Spectacle of the Shimmy in Contemporary U.S. Culture.”  In Between the Middle East and the Americas: The Cultural Politics of Diaspora, eds. Evelyn Alsultany and Ella Shohat, 130-152.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013.

“Hijab,” In Youth Studies: Keywords and Movements, eds. Nancy Lesko and Susan Talburt, 158-163.  NY: Routledge, 2012.

“Arab American Feminisms: Mobilizing the Politics of Invisibility.”  In Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence, and Belonging, eds. Rabab Abdulhadi, Evelyn Alsultany, and Nadine Naber, 227-241.  NY: Syracuse University Press, 2011.  [Revised and updated version of earlier article.] Collection is recipient of the 2012 National Arab American Book Award for Nonfiction.

“On Not Rescuing Arab and Muslim Women” In The Middle East: Its History and Culture, ed. Jason Tatlock. Bethesda, MD: University Press of Maryland, 2012.

Irene Lara


Lara, Irene. “Sensing the Serpent in the Mother, Dando a luz la Madre Serpiente: Chicana Spirituality, Sexuality, and Mamihood.” Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives. Eds. Elisa Facio and Irene Lara.

Co-edited Anthologies:

Co-edited anthology with Susan Cayleff, Anne Donadey, and Bonnie Kime Scott: Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology of Gender and Women’s Studies. Oxford, UK: Wiley- Blackwell, 2016. (Includes two self-authored chapter introductions and extensive pedagogy resources for instructors.)

Co-edited anthology with Elisa Facio. Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

Book Chapters:

Lara, Irene. “Stories of Identity and Community.” Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology of Gender and Women’s Studies. 2nd ed. Eds. Bonnie Kime Scott, Susan E. Cayleff, Anne Donadey, and Irene Lara. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. 50-62.

Lara, Irene. “Healing and Spirituality.” Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology of Gender and Women’s Studies. 2nd ed. Eds. Bonnie Kime Scott, Susan E. Cayleff, Anne Donadey, and Irene Lara. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. 413-422.

Lara, Irene. “From the Four Directions: The Dreaming, Birthing, Healing Mother on Fire.”   Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Frontlines. Eds. Alexis Pauline Gumbs, China Martens, and Mai'a Williams. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2015. 185-189.ara, Irene. “Sensing the Serpent in the Mother, Dando a luz la Madre Serpiente:  Chicana  Spirituality, Sexuality, and Mamihood.” Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives. Eds. Elisa Facio and Irene Lara. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014. 113-34.

Lara, Irene and Elisa Facio. “Introduction: Fleshing the Spirit, Spiriting the Flesh.” Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives.  Eds. Elisa Facio and Irene Lara. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014. 3-17.

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Gonzalez, Alejandra, Irene Lara, Carolina Prado, Sophia Rivera, and Carmen Rodriguez (authors listed in alphabetical order represent equal authorship). “Passing the Sage: CuranderaScholarActivists in Academia.” Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social. v. 15, n. 1 (fall 2015): 110-55.

Doreen Mattingly


Mattingly, Doreen J.  2016    A Feminist in the White House: Midge Costanza, the Carter Years, and America’s Culture Wars. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • 2017 Kanner Prize, Western Association of Women Historians
  • 2017 Award for best biography, autobiography, or memoir, Los Angeles Book Festival

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Mattingly, Doreen J. 2015. “The Limited Power of Female Appointments: Abortion and Domestic Violence Policy in the Carter Administration,” Feminist Studies, 41 (3): 538 - 565.

Kimala Price

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Price, Kimala. 2016. “The Emergence of the Black Fetus.” Contexts. Winter: 19-20.

Book Chapter:

Price, Kimala. 2017. “Queering Reproductive Justice: Toward a Theory and Praxis for Building Intersectional, Political Alliances.” In LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader, edited by Marla Brettschneider, Susan Burgess and Cricket Keating. New York: NYU Press.

Esther Rothblum

Articles in Refereed Journals:

Factor, R.J. & Rothblum, E.D. (2017). “A Comparison of Trans Women, Trans Men, Genderqueer Individuals, and Cisgender Brothers and Sisters on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory: Ratings by Self and Siblings.” Journal of Homosexuality. DOI:10.1080/00918369.2016.1273717

Wickham, R. E., * Beard, C. L., Riggle, E. D. B., Rothblum, E. D., Rostosky, S. S., & Balsam, K. F. (2016). “Accuracy and bias in perceptions of conflict style among same-sex and heterosexual couples.” Journal of Research in Personality, 65, 109-119. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2016.10.004

Riggle, E.D.B., Wickham, R.E., Rostosky, S.S., Rothblum, E.D., & Balsam, K.F. (2016). “Impact of civil marriage recognition for long-term same-sex couples.” Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14, 223-232.

Rostosky, S.S., Riggle, E.D.B., Rothblum, E.D., & Balsam, K.F. (2016). “Same-sex couples’ decisions and experiences of marriage in the context of minority stress: Interviews from a population-based longitudinal study.” Journal of Homosexuality, 63, 1019-1040.

Richards, M.A., Rothblum, E.D., Beauchaine, T.P., & Balsam, K.F. (2017). “Adult children of same-sex and heterosexual couples: Demographic ‘thriving.’”  Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 13, 1-15.

Riggle, E.D.B., Rothblum, E.D., Rostosky, S.S., Clark, J.B., & Balsam, K.B. (2016). “’The secret of our success’: Long-term same-sex couples’ perceptions of their relationship longevity.” Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 12, 319-334.

Clark, J.B., Riggle, E.D.B., Rostosky, S.S., Rothblum, E.D., & Balsam, K.F. (2015). Windsor and Perry: “Reactions of siblings in same-sex and heterosexual couples.”  Journal of Homosexuality, 62, 993-1008.

Rothblum, E.D. (2014). “Commentary: Lesbians should take the lead in removing the stigma that has long since been associated with body weight.”  Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1, 377-382.

Rothblum, E.D. (2014).  “Mars to Venus or Earth to Earth?  How do families of origin fit into GLBTQ lives?” Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 10, 231-241. Reprinted in Queerying families of origin (2014). Routledge.

Bradford, J., Ryan, C., Rothblum, E.D., & Honnold, J. (2013).  “I have never slept with a man and there is no star rising in the East: Lesbians, bisexual women and pregnancy before insemination.”  Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 9, 492-511.

Rothblum, E.D. (2012).  “Teaching lesbian studies.” Journal of Homosexuality, 59, 139-143.

Fikkan, J., & Rothblum, E.D. (2012).  “Is fat a feminist issue? Exploring the gendered nature of weight bias.”  Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 66(9), 575-592.

The editor invited five commentary articles discussing our piece that appear in this same issue of Sex Roles.
Fikkan, J., & Rothblum, E.D. (2012).  “We agree:  Fat IS a feminist issue!  Response to commentators.”  Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 66(9), 632-635.

Gotta, G., Green, R.J., Rothblum, E.D., Solomon, S., Balsam, K., & Schwartz, P. (2011).  “Heterosexual, lesbian, and gay male relationships: A comparison of couples in 1975 and 2000.” Family Process, 50(3), 353-376.

Rothblum, E.D., Balsam, K.F., & Solomon, S.E. (2011).  Narratives of same-sex couples who had civil unions in Vermont:  The impact of legalizing relationships on couples and on social policy.  Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 8(3),  183-191.

Rothblum, E.D., Balsam, K.F., & Solomon, S.E. (2011).  The longest “legal” U.S. same-sex couples reflect on their relationship.  Journal of Social Issues, 67(2), 302-315.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010).  Where is the “women’s community”?  Voices of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women and their heterosexual sisters.  Feminism & Psychology, 20(4), 454-472.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010). The complexity of butch and femme among sexual minority women in the 21st Century.  Psychology of Sexualities Review, 1(1), 29-42.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010).  Use of online surveys for undergraduate psychology of women courses.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(1), 124-127.

Elder, G., Rothblum, E.D., & Solomon, S.E. (2010).  The geography of civil union households.  Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6(1), 58-67.

Book Chapters:   

Rothblum, E.D. (in press).  Division of workforce and domestic labor among same-sex couples.  In R. Connelly and E. Kongar (Eds.). Gender and time use in a global context: The economics of employment and unpaid labor. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rothblum, E.D. (2016). Weapons of mass distraction in teaching fat studies: “But aren’t they unhealthy?” and “Why can’t they just lose weight?” In E. Cameron and C. Russell (Eds.) The fat pedagogy reader: Challenging weight-based oppression through critical education (pp. 71-79).  Peter Lang Publishers.

Rothblum, E.D. (2013).  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.  In C.J. Patterson and A.R. D’Augelli (Eds.)  Handbook of psychology and sexual orientation (pp. 297-308.  NY: Oxford University Press.

Rothblum, E.D. (2012).  From invert to intersectionality: Understanding the past and future of sexuality.  In Roshan das Nair and Catherine Butler (Eds.)  Intersectionality, Sexuality, and Psychological Therapies: Working with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Diversity, pp. 263-268.  Chicester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Reczek, C., & Rothblum, E.D. (2012).  A little bit pregnant?  The ethics of same-sex marriage.  In J.J. Bigner and J. Wetchler (Eds.), Handbook of LGBT Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy, pp. 459-473.  NY: Routledge.

Rothblum, E.D. (2011).  Fat studies.  Chapter 13 in J. Cawley (Ed.) The Oxford handbook of the social science of obesity (pp. 173-183).  NY: Oxford University Press.

Reprinted in F. Schorb and L. Rose (Eds.) (2017). Fat-Studies in Deutschland: Hohes Körpergewicht zwischen Diskriminierung und Anerkennung.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010).  Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender siblings.  Chapter 7 in J. Caspi (Ed.) Sibling development:  Implications for mental health practitioners (pp. 123-145). NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010).  Key researcher.  In V. Clarke, S.J. Ellis, E. Peel and D.W. Riggs (Eds.).  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer psychology:  An introduction (pp. 243-244)  Cambridge, England:  Cambridge University Press.

Rothblum, E.D. (2010).  “Will the real lesbian please stand up?” Lesbian relationships.  Chapter 4 in S.L. Dibble and P. Robertson (Eds.) Lesbian health 101: A clinician’s guide (pp. 67-83).  University of California San Francisco Nursing Press.